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Get in touchThis area is dedicated to our valued travel agent partners and is designed to provide you with all of the information, training and materials required in order to sell our holidays with confidence. Here you will find our latest news, point-of-sale materials, details on our forthcoming educational trips and the contact details for our agency executives.
Click here to visit our agent portal where you can download your holiday invoices and travel documentation.
Not yet registered? Please email complete the form below or email agencysales@sunvil.co.uk.
For a password reset, click here.
For over 50 years the team at Sunvil have been creating original and innovative holidays to Europe and further afield. Our approach is refreshingly unique. We do not feature any large, commercialised resorts. Instead, using our years of experience and local knowledge we have handpicked accommodation in some of the most picturesque spots, atmospheric villages and charming coastal towns that we know - places where we know that your guests will receive a warm and genuine welcome.
Our reservation experts, many of whom have been with us for years, are passionate about our destinations and, through their personal, first-hand knowledge can answer any questions that you may have and work with you to carefully-craft the perfect trip for your clients. Our aim is to introduce our guests to the real country and to enable them to immerse themselves in the local culture.
Our holidays are bonded by the CAA (ATOL: 808) and ABTA (V6218) and we take full responsibility for all elements of the package we provide. What's more, with our 24 hour emergency telephone number and team of trusted local agents and representatives you can relax in the knowledge that your guests will receive the service and care that you desire.
Our agency sales team is on the road and available to support you with in-office training on all Sunvil products and with display material. We are also happy to host webinar training events and to be considered for your consumer events throughout the year.
Furthermore, each year we lead familiarisation trips to many of our holiday destinations. Our trips are designed to highlight the best of the region visited and happily combine hotel visits with local activities and experiences.
Brochure supplies can be ordered on BP Tradegate or by completing the linked form.
You can also follow us on Facebook - join our agent page here, on Twitter (@sunvilteam) and on Instagram (@sunvilteam).
Register for our weekly newsletters by completing our registration form, below.