The ICEHOTEL is based in the village of Jukkasjärvi, 200km north of the Arctic Circle. Geographically you are amongst the wildest northern reaches of Europe here. Each year it is visited by a remarkable 70,000 guests from all over the world. The well-renowned seasonal suites are also created and influenced by people from around the globe.
In the early winter of 2018 34 artists from 13 countries spent an intense couple of weeks in in Jukkasjärvi to create the 29th annual incarnation of the ICEHOTEL - the new suites opened on Friday 14 December, 2018.
The contributions came from Sweden, USA, India, Canada, Mexico and New Zealand to name but a few. British duo Jonathan and Marnie (father and daughter), were two of those involved, selected from 150 applicants to design and create a suite. Jonathan told the Telegraph that he had only ever made a snowman out of ice before - a giant leap away from their ‘The Living Ocean’ concept.
The Living Ocean is an underwater world with illuminated fish swimming along the cavernous sides, a shark appearing from the coral and a whale gliding overhead. The concept is about preserving our oceans and understanding how beautiful they are, as well as the rising awareness of the effects that we as humans have on them.
Looking at the following images, you can see that a great deal of the suites were inspired by nature and life.